Post your jobs to Indeed
automatically, for free
Having your job posting show up on Indeed is as simple as checking a box. Updating your job ad will signal to Indeed that your listing should be updated.

Easily share candidate
Get everyone on your team involved, without having to forward emails and attachments. In fact, you can even divide and conquer the work of screening and filtering your applicants.

Share on Twitter, Facebook
and LinkedIn
Posting your job ads to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn is a one-click affair from your job page. When you share, special links will be automatically created that will track how each applicant found your ad.

Track all correspondences with
and notes about candidates
Like a CRM system, easily track every email sent to or comment made about candidates in your system. Now you never have to wonder where to pick up the conversation with a candidate.
I am not a recruiting professional but hiring for my department is part of my job. A solution like Catch the Best allows me to spend less time managing this hiring process and more time on my core responsibilities while still feeling confident the team is communicating effectively about candidates.
Daniel Hirsch, Vice President